Hey Perves,
As the issue with Bella Donna and her comeback to acting in adult films is being put out there, a lot of us in the industry have all kinds of different opinions. I have finally decided to put mine down.
The reality of it all is that we do protect ourselves in our personal lives when we "hook up" with strangers. So why should porn be any different. That's just showing the public that those few of us in the industry are "adult" enough about things to protect not only ourselves, but each other. There are just way too many people entities and issues out there, like the government, that just wants to bring us down. Showing such irresponsibility, just goes to prove to the government and everybody else that they have been right about us all along. We need to take a stand in this industry and UNITE, instead of being selfish for a buck.
That's why adult companies in the east coast are more open, friendly and more willing to work together than the west coast counterparts. We look out for each other, and World X productions can attest to this comment, as we have always helped each other out. Right Franny?
I'm not saying that everything here is perfect, but I do believe the majority of producers here have the same idea. Only do condom shoots!!!!
Now me for example, I religiously get tested, and I still wear condoms in every shoot that I'm in. It's better to have protected fun and stay alive, than to enjoy a 4 second cumshot/orgasm and die young.
That's just MY two cents....
Until next time, The JUPA Man and his one eye helmet head
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1 comment:
Two things have me OUTRAGED about this whole Belladonna topic!
#1 - To Belladonna...You have openly admitted that you have knowingly had herpes for 5 years and yet you continued to film porn...UNCOVERED and UNPROTECTED! I may be wrong, but I HIGHLY doubt that you have informed each and every company AND partner you have worked with over this 5 year span about your condition. I can comfortably say this because when you choose to have sex with a man (as you outlined in your blog) you never came out and laid the cards on the table with him - you even lied when he straight out asked you after he fucked you. Yes, later you went back and came clean, but the point is YOU NEVER TOLD HIM! You have put the industry’s health at risk not to mention the industry's integrity. It is hard enough to be honest with people about our profession as it is without getting looks and whispers...we get a bad rap as being "easy", "dirty", and "infected"...AND YOU GIVE THEM AMMUNITION! I am disgusted by your choices and embarrassed that your fans fail to see the seriousness of what you have done!
# 2 - To Vivid...HOW CAN YOU CONTINUE TO USE HER IN YOUR FILM? She has come public with an outbreak, she has come public with being infected for 5 years, she has come public with sleeping with someone other than her husband to whom she lied to...yet you have not recasted her!!! You are a leading producer in the industry and are giving the message that this behavior is ok...there will be companies popping up left and right trying to replicate this with the excuse that Vivid said its ok when they used Belladonna!
I can not begin to find the words to say how I feel and express how hard Mike and I have worked to make sure that our company, our models, our productions have a good name. It has taken us years to make this good name for ourselves, and Ill be damned if I am going to let someone tear it down or disgrace it!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE know that the majority of the people in the adult industry take our jobs seriously...we are clean, safe, reliable PROFESSIONALS and would never jeopardize our health, the health of our significant others, or the health of our co-performers! If you are thinking of (or are already have) a career in the adult industry, protect yourself! Get tested regularly, practice safe sex, choose to film with condoms if that makes you more comfortable...don’t allow others to persuade your judgment with the excuse that its the "norm". Do ONLY what you feel comfortable doing....and please consider the consequences of your actions for not only yourself, but others!
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