Sunday, September 2, 2007

Article regarding Czech Pornstar Syphilis scare

Hey Perves,

Check out the article below regarding a Syphillis scare with Szech Pornstars. Crazy shit huh?

"Dozens of Czech pornstars caught syphilis during the last three months. The situation is so bad that even the Heath Ministry is involved in the issue, iDNES news server wrote.

The most probable cause is a fake test from some Prague health clinic that provides HIV and other STD tests for pornstars.

The people who are responsible for this should go to jail for attempted murder! If a porn star knew he or she is not, well, in the proper health condition for such job, he or she knew that anyone they, sorry to say, fuck with, is on a highway to hell.

And if an employer of a sick pornstar found out about it and faked the tests, they did it clearly with the fear of losing huge money. And that should be a multiple attempted murder. In the U.S. they would go to jail for life.

In the expert commission at the Health Ministry is also Czech porn star and producer Robert Rosenberg. A guy whose newborn son was named Forrest.

Czech STD stats are quite satisfactory so far. There are only five patients per 100,000 citizens. Now with the new scandal this rate skyrocketed.

I would say that this scandal will reveal a lot about Czechs and their sex habits. Doctors fear that this epidemic situation will most likely not remain within the pornstar community. We all have our sphere of sex partners, one expert said…

Sure. Pornstars go to clubs and have anonymous sex with girls. And girls go to clubs and have anonymous sex with guys who don't bother to say what they do for living. Do irresponsible people deserve what they deserve? Yes, they do.

Pornstar is a legitimate job. It has rules, and it is not illegal. Health tests are a normal thing. Girls who work in bakeries and prepare my croissants have to have health tests of some sort too, and I expect them not to lie about their health. Same thing with I-fuck-for-living.

Who is to blame? Small porn production agencies, Rosenberg says."

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