Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thank you all for a successful swingers party

Hey perves,

I just want to say thank you to all those friends and fans that showed up to our swinger's party. To those that couldn't make it, I'm sorry that you missed it. It was a great time, and very relaxed atmosphere. Everybody enjoyed themselves and everybody acted very maturely. For that I thank you all. It was a great pleasure to meet face to face all of my fans. I didn't realize until then, how many of you actually follow my work. Thank you for coming by to say hi.

The party was such a HUGE success, that we are planning on having it more often. The next party is going to be on January at a date to be determined, so please stay tuned to my blogs for further updated.
I want to thank Brooke Babylon and her husband Plaedies. Rebecca Lee, Chelsea, Mariah, and the rest of the gang that would like to stay anonymous.

Again, thanks to all that participated, and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody at the next one.

JUPA Man and his one eye helmet head.

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