Sunday, February 10, 2008


Avn's Newly Crowned "Transsexual Performer of the Year" official Victory Party will be held in New York City, New York February 29th, 2008.

If the party isnt enough Allanah will debut the release of her first "Best Of"" Compilation Dvd "'Absolute Allanah' The Platinum Collection through Gia Darling Productions.

Many of your favorite Elite Stars will be in attendance: 2006 Winner Gia Darling, 2004 Icon Vaniity, 3 Time Nominee Wendy Williams, Vip Hostess Dina Delicious, Raquel Chambers, Natassia Dreams and MANY other beautiful ladies celebrating with Allanah. Some of the festivities include live photo shoots, dvd giveaways, ts dancers, and much much more. Club Information: Waikiki Wallys 99 East Second St (between 1st Ave. & Ave A.) In Manhattan's East . Village . Hours from 10PM-4AM

You Tube Flyer:

More information available at

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