Thursday, January 31, 2008

Man accused of using nun's PC to view porn

by The Associated Press
Thursday January 31, 2008, 10:11 AM

A civilian State Police employee is accused of sneaking into a Monmouth County church to look at pornography on a nun's computer.

Thomas G. Findler was arrested Wednesday after a custodian at Grace St. Paul Episcopal Church found Findler on a nun's computer. The custodian chased him out -- right into a police officer who happened to be nearby.

The suspect, who works in a local office for the state police, is charged with burglary and theft. Authorities suspect Findler -- who worships at Grace St. Paul -- had been sneaking into the church at night for three weeks to look at pornography.

Reached Thursday morning, Findler's father said his son was not home.

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