Saturday, May 12, 2007

First Radio interview for the JUPA Man

Hey pervs,

Last Thursday your's truly was a guest speaker in the new podcast Thrash talk. It is a podcast where they discuss trends and shows in the heavy metal community. In this episode they were discussing the new "porn" movie "CLUB SATAN: The Witches Sabbath" by the great multi-talented director Matt Zane.
In the interview I was asked of my opinion as a producer and metal lover about the movie... well, I'm not going to get into that right now, but I'll let you know when you will be able to download the audio interview. I have not seen the whole movie, which is the reason why I have not dedicated a whole entry yet but it is coming. The clips that I have seen are just sick (take that as you may). You can get a taste of it here:

So let me know your thoughts, I will be detailing one of the scenes very shortly.

Until then, JUPA Man and his one eye helmet head

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